Tuesday, 27 September 2011

News updated.

This post is meant to be always updated on latest news about Florian: next projects, awards, appearances. Quick notes to keep you informed up to date. Longer posts about the subjects in the news will be presented and discussed later in this blog.

If you have read the post "Florian's Munich" You know what is Augustiner, right?! So, fdffans is giving a chance to Florian fans to win a signed Augustiner's beer glass. Yep, Florian did it. If you are interested, you have only to register yourself in the forum and once the forum reachs 100 users the glass will be raffled among them. You can check the glass here. Good luck!

Today the German Comedy award will be showed on TV in Germany, RTL. The award was held last 18th in Cologne. Unfortunately Doctor's Diary wasn't the evening winner and the day after came out inumerous news on the real final for the series. Meaning by that, no season 4 in the near future. Some are saying that is it for good, but the series' writer still keeps the hopes of the fans for in the future, a movie or even a novel come out. Source: fdffans
More discussion on this soon.

Next possible appearence: The 2011 German comedy award (der deutsche comedypreis) on October 21st in Cologne, Doctor's Diary is nominated for best comedy series.

What is next for Florian?
In production:
Görlitz-Germany is the set for Florian's next movie, " Die Vermessung der Welt" ("Measuring the World"). It's a comedy involving two well-knowing scientific figures,  Alexander von Humboldt (naturalist) and Carl Friedrich Gauß (mathematician). The shooting has already started and release date, at the moment, is for 2013. Source: fdffans

"Jesus Loves me", release date is Januray/February 2012, Germany. It's also a comedy based on German bestseller "Jesus liebt mich". Florian played the main role, directed and wrote the screenplay.
Ps: Stay tuned for more details on this.

New forum is finally out, http://www.fdffans.de/ . The site is under construction, any contribution is welcome.

Ps: Don't forget to vote in the poll, I'm still interested to know which "Florian" you have seen first. Thank you. And feel free to add any comment or suggestion in the blog. :)

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Not LA, Potsdam maybe.

       German movie Industry might be new to some of you. Maybe your first contact with it was via Florian. Others via some international successeful Geman movie such as Run Lola Run, Good Bye Lenin (my favorite), Downfall. Or, you might still have known the German actors, before the movies itself, from international productions, Til (In Enemy Hands), Daniel (Ladies in Lavender), David Kross (The Reader), Matthias Schweighöfer (The Red Baron), August Diehl (Salt), Diane Kruger (Troy). However, Germany has a long tradtion already in this business. In Germany is located one of oldest studios in the world, Studio Babelsberg. Next year will be its centenary, nowadays internatonal coproduction is the main goal for the company. Some of then were Oscar contenders and big blockbusters, Inglorious Basterds (where you can see most of the actors mentioned in here in action) and Valkyrie, with Tom Cruise, are examples. The "Three Musketeers" is one of its latest work, Til and Austriac Oscar  winning Christoph Waltz are on the cast. Florian, in one of the many interviews he gave during Männerherzen 2 promotion, said he doesn't want to go to LA to make films. The interviewer asked him if now with all the awards he got and all the success that came along, LA wouldn't be next. That was Florian's answer, he still says that great movies can be done in Germany, he wants to do more good films on his own country, on his own language. This is a respectable attitute I would say, but why not then Babelsberg prejects? International fans wouldn't complain, more Florian outside Germany without him leaving his homeland sounds good to me.
      First time I heard about the studio I was inside the S-bahn on my way to Berlin, coming from Potsdam. Babelsberg is situated in Potsdam, Berlin surrounds, my home in Germany. My friend who also took me to see an exhibition about Chaplin, still in Potsdam, told me about the cinema tradition of the city and the studio. Potsdam has its name on history, if you know a bit of history you probably have heard about the city. It's a beatiful city full of Parks and peace. It's well known for its scientifc background, Albert Einstein Science Park, and the Prussian casttles, like Sanssouci. By the way, the palace gardens were my back yard. I lived right beside the main entrance. It's a beautiful place, I think the gardens are even bigger than Versailles, the University of Potsdam is in one of the other castleslocated in the park. Whenever you go for a visit to Berlin, make sure to include Potsdam and the Studio Babelsberg, if you are a hard fan of cinema. Speaking of it, if you want to go to a cinema in Germany, here is a tip, most of the cinemas have the movies translated to German, but few shows the original version. It's important, cause if you are just a beginer in German and go watch Shakespeare, like I did, might be a not so pleasure experience and Midsummer night's dream becomes a nightmare. And here is another tip, don't leave Potsdam without eating apfeltasche in any Bäckerei! yummy! Ops, if you are wondering how I ended up in Potsdam, I was a trainee at the Deutsches Institut für Ernährungsforschung (Dife). Wow, it's always funny to hear myself saying that, translation: German Institute of Human Nutrition.
Link for Florian's original interview here and here is the translation. And if you are interested in visiting the Studio, there are tours for tourists. Check here
 Good Bye Lenin - laugh and cry, all at once!

   Einstein Tower - Albert Einstein Sc. Park & Uni. of Potsdam                                                   

    Apfeltasche and Bäckerei. Sehr gute!!!

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Six years ago Florian was Malte in LiebesLeben (Love life). Get to know him.

      Movie star "status" is something relative new for Florian. Before his current success on big screen, he constructed a solid career on television. His curriculum is full of works in series and films for German TV. Since he came back to Germany,  after graduating at the Boston Conservatory and spending some time in New York,  his name has being constantly listed to  inumerous local productions. Some of them gave him already awards for best performances in, "Verdammt verliebt" (Damn love) 2001, "Meine verrückte türkische Hochzeit" (My Crazy Turkish Wedding) 2007 and "Doctor´s Diary" 2009. The first one was the "Rising Movie Talent Award" and the other two, The Adolf-Grimme-Darstellerpreis.                           
    Picking up one of his past roles, today, I introduce you Malte, from TV series LiebesLeben (Love life). He is a young Berliner who see himself in some trick situations, one night stand, adventure and conflict with best friend Edwin and of course the ex-girlfriend issues, all that presented to the viewers with a natural look and humor. The show is about realtionships and friendship, here is a description of it: "The path to true love has many side streets and even more blind alleys. The romantic comedy series "love life" is located between the heart and diaphragm. It is about the humorous moments of the sometimes desperate search for love, happiness and fulfilling relationship life to couples, singles, newly wed and fresh separate, and about the daily battles between man and woman, dish washing, sex and jealousy - a lot of fun!"
        This series is availabe to watch online, but unfortunately only in German. I don't think it's gonna be out there for too long, we know how those things work, which sucks when you are outside the country that broadcast it. By the way, here is my protest: if you want to buy this DVD, or any other from a different country you don't have other option if not buy the equipament too. I'm in region 4 and Germany, Europe are in region 2. However, If you are somewhere on those areas and you have an interest on buy some of Florian's DVDs, you can go to http://www.amazon.de/. They send it to you wherever you are. But be aware that the DVDs are in German and according to the description on the website none of them comeswith subtitle. 
     Fortunately for others like me, some of his films and series are out there on the virtual world. Forgive us Film makers, actors, movie industry, but this is the only way for some. Here is the link for Liebesleben, it's one season only, with 13 episodes, from six years ago, 2005. Interesting look at Florian's past roles. See if you like it. I did, specially the friendship bond.


Thursday, 15 September 2011

Fun at home: Männerherzen und die ganz ganz grosse liebe's premiere in Munich.


      On September 14th, Munich recieved, with arms opened, the locals, Florian, Justus and Simon, for Männerherzen und die ganz ganz grosse liebe's premiere. This time, the event was more cozy. The actors and director were dressed casual and looked more relaxed since they were surrounded by friends and family. Fans who attended the premiere had the chance to chat with the cast and take pictures without the frenezie of a "Hollywood" production. It was definitely a party at home. There are some reports from fans who have watched the movie already, they all have different opinions, this makes us more curious about the movie I would say. Only watching it to have yours. Thus, those outside Germany  will have to wait a bit longer, but if you are in there now don't miss the chance. Some videos, from the premiere, are below and here a photo gallery from the premiere.
       More TV shows to come for Florian,  still talking about the movie, but future projects are being discussed already. Post and Pre production are set for Florian, interesting films on the way for our delight.


RTL.de - MH

     In the first interview they answered questions about men's heart, women's heart and facebook. The second one they also had questions about relationships, nothing really new, about sex, girls. The funny thing were the test, Lie-truth. Florian was the last one and didn't do it after watching Justus getting an electrical chock. Scary!
     You can also check http://www.floriandavidfitzfans.de/ for fans' videos, pictures and reports. 

FDF fan's facebook -  "I mag di" Ich mag dich - I like you.
*Edit: Video from Frühstückfernesehen (BreakfastTV)

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Screencaps, screencaps: Save a million (Rette die Million) TV show.

       This was a rather funny interesting participation from Florian and Til. An overview of the show first. The show consists in you and your partner answering eight questions about any subject divided in categories. For each question, you have two options of categories to choose one from where the question will come. First you know the possible answers and then, finally, comes the question. Then, you kind bet in the right answer or in the answers you are in doubt.
       There were four teams and they saved the best team for the end, Til and Florian. The best team not because they were the partners we wanted to see, but indeed because they had the best strategy. They tried to find out what would be about the categories, more specific. Til has revealed himself very competitive and showed his knowledge on actual facts as  he had the answers for some questions straightaway. Florian is more academic, I would say, he did right at the Spanish classes, his Spanish sounds really good, there was no accent on Burro/Burrito/Hermosa. Portuguese not so good yet, needs to work on that "São Paulo", but yes formosa is Portuguese and it's equivalent to hermosa in Spanish. He also knew the Ceaseres history, but was fooled by the detail. Ceaser after a while is no longer a name, it becomes a title, but even still doubting about it, I doubt anyone on regular education has ever learned Churchill or Bonaparte's father and grandfather's name?! Unfortunately that was the "end" for them.
       By question 6 they were still holding the million, when question 7 came out they lost 3/4 of it! The Ceeeeaser question. They almost loose it all, Florian did a last desperate move to stay in the game. Afterwards, Til was really pissed while Florian was taking that ok, he was like "it's a game", risk, not for Til. I was constantly laughing over Til's face after that. You will see it in the video and screencaps. They ended up winning 225,000 Euros to the institutions they believe have a good cause. Til gave it to a project where they combat pedophilia and Florian gave it to a project involved with Tourette syndrome. I think they give it to other two institutions also, but that got lost in translation, sorry.
They both were looking good in grey shirts

Florian is myope, I'm quite sure, the cute way he closes his eyes is how myopes do. Cute!

 Til winning it all, so happy.

The "disaster" Ceeeeeeeaser.............


The "it's ok" Florian and the "pissed" Til.

I wish I was "plus" Florian and "minus" Til: forgive, forget and move on. That's how it looks in here at least and considering this kind of situation.

The End: still good boys.

Here are the questions they got with the answers. All the screencaps are in sequence in the photoalbum on the side bar.
1) Actual
Who were in the headlines from late May throughout the summer?
Yvonne cow.
2) Movie stars
Who leads this year's Forbes list of the best-paid actor?
Leonardo DiCaprio. Til here makes clear the huge money Hollywood actors earn per film and says that this is not a reality for German actors due the difference between the audience, comparing world to Germany in numbers.
What do you literally eat, if one eats a burrito in Mexico?
Little donkey
4)Water routes
The Formosa is located between ....?
Taiwan & China
How they called, William Shakespeare and his wife, their son born in 1585?
Which city has the airport with the world's highest passenger volume?
7)Historical figures 
Which famous person had a father and a grandfather of the same name?
Gaius Julius Ceaser
8)Roadside Assistance
Which pole should be connected first for safety reasons ?
Positive pole.

Saturday, 10 September 2011

"B-side" EP by Florian David Fitz

      As you know already, Florian sang one of the songs in the soundtrack of the German version of  Disney's Tiggermovie, you know that he also plays piano, therefore has the talent for music too. So, just in between this madness of premieres - he is busy, we are having him everywhere now: TV, magazines, day in day out; not that we will complain about it, NEVER, but it causes a bit of affliction, the feeling is like you don't know where to look. Phew! - to calm down a little bit, here are the videos where Florian is singing. Music, always music to make you experience the most different feelings. The songs that Florian have performed are quite "relaxing", you can definitely chill out for a few minutes. Enjoy the videos and, if you want, download the mp3s. When Florian become a music star too, these "B-side" songs will be treaaasure! ;)



       Halleluja is one of my favorite songs. First thought that comes to my mind, when I listen to it, is the German movie that had some kind of impact in my life, in the way you need to stop and re-think things. The Edukators: Die fetten jahre sind vorbei is the name, I recommend. Daniel Brühl and his friends kind give us some "punch in the face" as well as a bit of history lesson, but that is me thinking. Go watch if you haven't done it yet and see how you feel about it.  However, let it for later since the main goal here is have some time off listening Florian. Piano is my favorite classical instrument, now that I've seen Florian playing piano very well, I would like to see him playing some Chopin or Mozart, would you?! I'm not an expertise on this matter, but it's impossible to any sensible person does not be moved, touched, listening Nocturne Op.9 No 2 or Piano concert no 21.
        There is no video of Florian singing the Tiggermovie's song, but there is a cute video with the song on youtube. You can see it here. And you can still download the song.
        I have promissed the translation of the article in the last post, soon it will  come and maybe with a bonus.  Time is not being so nice, so I had decided to appreciate some music, then write this post. Hope you like it.

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Premiere in Berlin, Männerherzen und die ganz ganz grosse liebe.

       In Berlin, September 7th, at the Cinestar Sony-Center, Potsdamer street, "Männerherzen und die ganz ganz grosse liebe" was finally revealed, in a first moment to a selected audience, but soon to all. With the premiere done, the movie is now officially out. The production of the event was Hollywood  standard: red carpet, fans all around, celebrities, movie star, Hugh Grant was there, and the whole cast, the real stars of the night. I particulary thought it was kind cute to see all those hearts all over the place. Good job from Warner Bros reps.
         But then, in all the madness that those premieres can be - I have been in some while living in London, it's kind of crazy but fun at same time - there He was, Florian David Fitz, in a suit (extra charming as usual),  sharp, elegant, perfect for the ocasion, smiling and being kind with all the fans asking for autographs, fotos and maybe asking him to talk to someone in the mobile. 
       Yeah, it happens!! I have seen Tom Cruise talking in a fan's mobile right there in Leiscester Square, unbelievable, but he did it. Right, now  back to Männerherzen. There are some reviews already about the movie, critics wonder if the sequel will achieve the same success of the previous one, the film has some "tough" competition in the box offices as the german comedy "What a man" got a milion viewers already, in a few weeks of exhibition, but they believe Männerherzen might replace it in the top of the chart. Even only guessing whether it is gonna be a new record or not, I am sure the fans, not only Florian's but also the other actor's as well movie's, will have a good time in a night out in the cinema. Nevertheless, I do think it will be a success again. 
        As the film is just out there now, media promotion is already being done. There is an interview with Florian and Til where they were inquired about how would be in real life some of those situations involving their caracteres and how do they "know women". Here is the title: "Do they understand women? : In their new film, the sequel men's hearts, Fitz and Til are again in search of true love. But there's one anyway? And how to recognize it?".  They answered questions like:  _Why so many relationships have failed, in general? _Are women becoming too demanding for the men? Florian gave an interest answer for this question, being a woman it was quite funny to read that. He says: "You are not too demanding, but demanding. But it is perfectly legitimate. The problem is that we men have no idea anymore what is expected of us." I laughed in the last sentence cause we are indeed demanding nowadays and those demands are constantly changing due a diverse of cisrcunstances, I think that's why is so confusing for men, yes Florian you  have figured out most of the women I guess, me at least, that's why is kind funny. Til share the same thought and basically suggests we make up our minds. However, when the attraction is there and love might be a real deal, all that demands go downhill. Women!!!!
        The original article was scanned by a fan and posted on facebook, Florian David Fitz, here are the links: part 1, 2 and 3. The full translation will be posted here soon (sorry, it's taking a bit longer than I expected). Pictures from premiere are posted in the photoalbum on the side bar. There are more TV appearances to come, breakfast television (Frühstücksfernsehen) on Friday, premiere resume tomorrow at People today (Leute heute) and let's not forget Saturday, the "Save the million show. Since the premiere was late night, more pictures and news still to come. Next 14th  it is Florian's Munich turn, there will be a premiere there too. For now, if you haven't seen it yet, enjoy the pictures taken by the fans and posted on facebook-Florian David Fitz. You will have a bonus as they also have a really nice photoalbum there. The one below was posted in the wall, from today's premiere. Worth a look!

*Edited: Links to some videos from yesterday premiere:

        Wondering what they are saying in all those videos?! Me too! Kind off! My listening is not the best, but will try to get the main ideas and then get back to you once I find out.

Friday, 2 September 2011

Waiting room: pictures, nice reading and Florian modeling.

          Still a few days for the premiere (Männerherzen), thus to make this waiting less longer here is something to keep down the anxiety of next wednesday, pictures, nice reading and video.
         On my searching for info/news about Florian, I found a great picture compilation with him as the main subject. The author, Rosetta_08, has done a nice work putting almost all pictures of him to this date in a photoalbum. Some of them are just below for a sneak preview, there is Florian for all tastes: sexy, natural, on curious roles, on famous roles, fancy at the  awards. Sure you will spend a nice time having a look on those picutres, just like I did. So thank you Rosetta_08 for that. The album slideshow is here.


       Among the pictures in the slideshow, there are 2 papers with an interview with Florian, handwriting and in english with some parts in spanish. It's from a Spanish blog on Doctor's Diary. The lines in Spanish are basically a nice thank you to his fans  from the blog. He also says he can speak castellano and has visited some places in Spain. Yes, Spanish is a generalization, castellano is the root of all spanish dialects.
         The main subject of the interview is his role as Dr. Meier, on Doctor's Diary. Soon he will be the topic of a post in this blog too. Click on the papers for a better view. The original posting in castellano is here. 


           And then finally, but not least, the video from earlier years when Florian, in New York City, was trying his way on modeling. The real video from Levi's ad. There is one on youtube that is unlikely to be him, I think you have seen it already, if not here. The one for good is just on the link along with the screencap. That's it for now. Have fun!  
LEVI'S AD uploaded by Rosetta_08