Saturday, 10 September 2011

"B-side" EP by Florian David Fitz

      As you know already, Florian sang one of the songs in the soundtrack of the German version of  Disney's Tiggermovie, you know that he also plays piano, therefore has the talent for music too. So, just in between this madness of premieres - he is busy, we are having him everywhere now: TV, magazines, day in day out; not that we will complain about it, NEVER, but it causes a bit of affliction, the feeling is like you don't know where to look. Phew! - to calm down a little bit, here are the videos where Florian is singing. Music, always music to make you experience the most different feelings. The songs that Florian have performed are quite "relaxing", you can definitely chill out for a few minutes. Enjoy the videos and, if you want, download the mp3s. When Florian become a music star too, these "B-side" songs will be treaaasure! ;)



       Halleluja is one of my favorite songs. First thought that comes to my mind, when I listen to it, is the German movie that had some kind of impact in my life, in the way you need to stop and re-think things. The Edukators: Die fetten jahre sind vorbei is the name, I recommend. Daniel Brühl and his friends kind give us some "punch in the face" as well as a bit of history lesson, but that is me thinking. Go watch if you haven't done it yet and see how you feel about it.  However, let it for later since the main goal here is have some time off listening Florian. Piano is my favorite classical instrument, now that I've seen Florian playing piano very well, I would like to see him playing some Chopin or Mozart, would you?! I'm not an expertise on this matter, but it's impossible to any sensible person does not be moved, touched, listening Nocturne Op.9 No 2 or Piano concert no 21.
        There is no video of Florian singing the Tiggermovie's song, but there is a cute video with the song on youtube. You can see it here. And you can still download the song.
        I have promissed the translation of the article in the last post, soon it will  come and maybe with a bonus.  Time is not being so nice, so I had decided to appreciate some music, then write this post. Hope you like it.

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