In Berlin, September 7th, at the Cinestar Sony-Center, Potsdamer street, "Männerherzen und die ganz ganz grosse liebe" was finally revealed, in a first moment to a selected audience, but soon to all. With the premiere done, the movie is now officially out. The production of the event was Hollywood standard: red carpet, fans all around, celebrities, movie star, Hugh Grant was there, and the whole cast, the real stars of the night. I particulary thought it was kind cute to see all those hearts all over the place. Good job from Warner Bros reps.
But then, in all the madness that those premieres can be - I have been in some while living in London, it's kind of crazy but fun at same time - there He was, Florian David Fitz, in a suit (extra charming as usual), sharp, elegant, perfect for the ocasion, smiling and being kind with all the fans asking for autographs, fotos and maybe asking him to talk to someone in the mobile.
Yeah, it happens!! I have seen Tom Cruise talking in a fan's mobile right there in Leiscester Square, unbelievable, but he did it. Right, now back to Männerherzen. There are some reviews already about the movie, critics wonder if the sequel will achieve the same success of the previous one, the film has some "tough" competition in the box offices as the german comedy "What a man" got a milion viewers already, in a few weeks of exhibition, but they believe Männerherzen might replace it in the top of the chart. Even only guessing whether it is gonna be a new record or not, I am sure the fans, not only Florian's but also the other actor's as well movie's, will have a good time in a night out in the cinema. Nevertheless, I do think it will be a success again.
As the film is just out there now, media promotion is already being done. There is an interview with Florian and Til where they were inquired about how would be in real life some of those situations involving their caracteres and how do they "know women". Here is the title: "Do they understand women? : In their new film, the sequel men's hearts, Fitz and Til are again in search of true love. But there's one anyway? And how to recognize it?". They answered questions like: _Why so many relationships have failed, in general? _Are women becoming too demanding for the men? Florian gave an interest answer for this question, being a woman it was quite funny to read that. He says: "You are not too demanding, but demanding. But it is perfectly legitimate. The problem is that we men have no idea anymore what is expected of us." I laughed in the last sentence cause we are indeed demanding nowadays and those demands are constantly changing due a diverse of cisrcunstances, I think that's why is so confusing for men, yes Florian you have figured out most of the women I guess, me at least, that's why is kind funny. Til share the same thought and basically suggests we make up our minds. However, when the attraction is there and love might be a real deal, all that demands go downhill. Women!!!!
The original article was scanned by a fan and posted on facebook, Florian David Fitz, here are the links: part 1, 2 and 3. The full translation will be posted here soon (sorry, it's taking a bit longer than I expected). Pictures from premiere are posted in the photoalbum on the side bar. There are more TV appearances to come, breakfast television (Frühstücksfernsehen) on Friday, premiere resume tomorrow at People today (Leute heute) and let's not forget Saturday, the "Save the million show. Since the premiere was late night, more pictures and news still to come. Next 14th it is Florian's Munich turn, there will be a premiere there too. For now, if you haven't seen it yet, enjoy the pictures taken by the fans and posted on facebook-Florian David Fitz. You will have a bonus as they also have a really nice photoalbum there. The one below was posted in the wall, from today's premiere. Worth a look!
*Edited: Links to some videos from yesterday premiere:
Wondering what they are saying in all those videos?! Me too! Kind off! My listening is not the best, but will try to get the main ideas and then get back to you once I find out.
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